- 12日
- 13日
- NOV 12th
- NOV 13th
时间 | 会议类型 |
08:00-09:00 | 参会注册 |
09:00 | 开幕式 |
11:00-12:30 | 全会一:全球经济预测和风险应对国际金融危机爆发十年后,主要发达国家经济增长缓慢。当前,由于贸易局势不确定性加剧,企业信心受挫,市场参与者对经济前景预期悲观,全球经济下行压力不断积累。近期国际货币基金组织把今年全球经济增速下调至3.2%,为过去10年来最低。
世界经济明年是否会陷入10年来的首次衰退? 各发达经济体已经是超低利率,还能运用哪些调控政策稳定经济? 发达经济体集体“日本化”,新兴市场如何保持定力? 主题演讲(拟邀): 黄益平,北京大学国家发展研究院副院长曹远征,中银国际研究公司董事长周 皓,清华大学五道口金融学院副院长邢自强,摩根士丹利中国首席经济学家Pinelopi GOLDBERG,世界银行集团首席经济学家、耶鲁大学经济学教授Alfred SCHIPKE(席睿德),国际货币基金组织驻华首席代表 |
12:30-13:00 | 午餐 |
13:00-14:30 | 全会二:七十年:转型与突破 中国经济转型正处在关键历史节点,一方面经济下行压力增大,另一方面经济结构升级的态势开始形成。面对更加复杂严峻的国际国内经济金融局势,需要推出更加深刻和广泛的改革开放措施,在突破中实现经济转型与升级 现阶段制约经济向高质量发展转变的因素有哪些? 如何在稳增长、调结构、防风险之间保持平衡? 如何建立改革和开放政策的配套措施,促使改革的真正落地 主题演讲(拟邀): 刘世锦,全国政协经济委员会副主任、央行货币政策委员会委员高培勇,中国社会科学院副院长、学部委员朱云来,金融专业人士白重恩,清华大学经济管理学院院长任泽平,恒大集团首席经济学家兼恒大经济研究院院长 |
14:30-16:00 | 全会三:金融加速改革开放下的新机遇在外部环境严峻背景下,通过进一步改革和开放,继续释放金融体系红利,具有更加迫切的现实需求。过去一年里,中国金融改革开放步伐继续加速:人民币汇率市场化形成机制不断完善,推动贷款利率并轨,再到出台一系列扩大金融服务业开放措施。另一方面,随着我国股票市场和债券市场相继被纳入多个全球重要指数,外资对我国金融市场的配置需求日益增长。
如何进一步打通金融对实体经济的输血渠道? 金融开放进程并存机遇与挑战,如何构建健康高效的市场竞争环境? 如何对可能伴随而来的系统性风险进行有效防范? 主题演讲(拟邀): 李扬,中国社会科学院学部委员、国家金融与发展实验室理事长屠光绍,上海高级金融学院执行理事,中投公司原副董事长、总经理李文红,中国银行保险监督管理委员会创新部主任洪磊,中国证券投资基金业协会会长洪崎,中国民生银行董事长管涛,武汉大学经济学博导、董辅礽讲座教授,国家外汇管理局国际收支司原司长李迅雷,中泰证券首席经济学家兼研究所所长 |
16:45-18:15 | 《财经》年度对话:中美博弈与破局近两年中美关系的急剧变化因特朗普上台而引发,但至今已不局限为一场贸易战争,中美两国关系走到了建交以来最剧烈的变化节点。双方力量的变化、各自国内现实的改变,是巨变的根源。随之而来的是双方对于对方的认知的变化。何为相处之道,在两国国内都进行着前所未有的大反思、大思考
中美的冲突是否不可避免? 双边关系对立的一面愈加凸显,中美应怎样避免最坏情况的发生? 中美能否再次跨越波折,找到求同存异的共处之道? 主题演讲(拟邀):Terry BRANSTAD,美国驻华大使圆桌对话(拟邀)秦晓,香港金融发展局委员,招商局集团、招商银行原董事长李若谷,中国进出口银行原董事长、行长章百家,中共中央党史研究室原副主任 Paul T. Haenle,清华-卡内基全球政策中心莫里斯•格林伯格荣誉主任 Jacob PARKER(彭捷宁)美中贸易全国委员会副会长 Greg GILLIGAN,中国美国商会荣誉主席 |
16:45-18:15 | 高峰论坛:全球新视野下的财富管理全球金融生态日趋多元,中高收入阶层规模扩大,投资者意识不断增强,市场需求日益增加,财富管理发展空间巨大。在全球经济持续波动的当下,资产配置综合化、全球化,将是财富管理的新方向。布局全球、着眼国际市场,已经成为财富管理机构的发展趋势
财富管理机构如何不断提升全球资产配置规划和服务能力? 如何合理把握智能科技,有效赋能财富管理? 如何稳步实现风险控制与财富管理之间的平衡 主题演讲(拟邀): 洪崎,中国民生银行董事长 圆桌对话(拟邀):Bob Rose,《巴伦》副主编Stephen Chang, 太平洋资产管理投资组合经理李山泉,奥本海默基金高级副总裁 李山,丝路金融公司董事长、香港中国金融协会副主席 单伟建,太盟投资集团首席执行官 殷哲,诺亚财富联合创始人、歌斐资产创始合伙人兼CEO |
19:30-21:30 | 煮酒夜话 夜话一:生物医药:如何在行业洗牌中胜出? 随着中国未来老龄化程度的加深,国内医疗服务需求正快速释放,生物医药行业整体市场规模有望快速上升。然而,在医保控费的大背景下,这一行业又面临着利润被压缩的尴尬局面。 与一些发达国家的药企相比,中国药企在研发投入方面与之仍存在巨大差距,中国药企如何创新药等研发领域发力? 多重因素影响下,整个行业面临着怎样的洗牌? 如何穿越政策与市场需求中的迷雾,在这场行业洗牌中胜出? 圆桌对话(拟邀):李革,药明康德董事长李西廷,迈瑞医疗董事长陈邦,爱尔眼科董事长 许小林,华盖资本创始人 王文怀,建发集团副总裁 杨玲,星石投资总经理 |
此轮食品饮料行业牛市还有多长? 结构性复苏背景下,头部企业如何巩固自身优势? 中后段公司怎样突破屏障? 圆桌对话(拟邀): 但斌,深圳东方港湾投资管理股份有限公司董事长 董宝珍,否极泰基金执行事务合伙人丛学年,洋河股份副总裁王洪波,泸州老窖副总经理危永标,水井坊总经理胡利平,伊利股份副总裁 张立文,双汇发展副总裁 |
随着改革深入,A股的科技属性不断加深,监管机构如何继续完善规则? 中介机构如何提升服务科创企业的能力? 机构投资者如何在二级市场投出下一个独角兽? 圆桌对话(拟邀): 尹志尧,中微半导体董事长 杨崇和,澜起科技董事长赵燕,华熙生物董事长孙欣,上海科创基金执行副总裁马尧,中信证券执委会委员、投行管委会主任王晟,中金公司总裁助理、投行部执行负责人 |
在全球经济面临结构调整、产业转型升级的关键时期,如何加强国际间的创新与合作,完善与数字经济发展相适应的国际政策环境? 在数字化、网络化和智能化推动传统业产转型过程中,如果发挥数据的高质量效率实现智能化? 如何深耕细分应用场景,实现技术在不同产业的真正落地?对话嘉宾(拟邀):陈煜波,清华大学经济管理学院副院长、互联网发展与治理研究中心主任郝玉成,中国机械工业集团有限公司智能技术研究院院长、工信部智能制造专家咨询委员会委员王东琳,中科院自动化所所长 孙会峰,工信部赛迪研究院赛迪顾问股份有限公司总裁 杨雷,工商银行信息科技部总经理 徐叶润,京东数字科技副总裁、资管事业部资管科技总经理 倪守奇,恒生电子股份有限公司高级副总裁 |
时间 | 会议类型 |
08:00-09:00 | 参会注册 |
09:00-10:00 | 主题演讲(拟邀): 韩俊,中央农村工作领导小组办公室副主任、农业农村部副部长任洪斌,国务院国有资产监督管理委员会副主任蔡昉,中国社会科学院副院长张军扩,国务院发展研究中心副主任陈四清,中国工商银行董事长 |
10:00-11:20 | 全体大会四:全球科技竞合与自主创新当今国家间博弈日益体现为科技创新层面的竞合。中国早已把自主创新视为国家科技发展根本途径,现已形成基础研究、前沿技术、应用开发等全方位布局和发展态势。但是,经济全球化深入发展,没有一个国家可以独自解决所有创新难题。
如何坚持自主创新的同时融入全球科技创新网络,占据全球科技创新的制高点? 如何平衡保障安全与经济性之间的关系? 如何通过科技创新更好地实现经济增长新旧动能转换和产业结构转型升级? 主题演讲(拟邀): 施一公,中国科学院院士、西湖大学校长倪光南,中国工程院院士王飞跃,中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室主任Alain Benichou(包卓蓝),IBM大中华区总裁汤晓鸥,商汤科技创始人、董事长陈宗年,海康威视董事长 |
11:20-12:40 | 全体大会五: 数字货币的冲击与应对脸书Libra币的横空出世,在全球监管层引发了前所未有的质疑,将数字货币推向下半场。经济学家哈耶克所畅想的法定货币退出,竞争性货币取而代之的可能性骤然出现。随着越来越多数字货币的出现,支持者布道声称货币革命,批评者痛心疾首视为金融骗局。但无论如何,数字货币都具有深刻重塑世界经济和人类社会的潜力。
中国应如何应对数字货币的崛起? 政府监管如何跟上数字货币的创新节奏,是否需要一套国际治理规则? 数字货币将如何冲击现有的全球货币体系? 主题演讲(拟邀): 穆长春,中国人民银行数字货币研究所所长李礼辉,中国互联网金融协会区块链工作组组长、中国银行原行长王永利,海王集团首席经济学家、中国银行原副行长肖风,中国万向控股有限公司副董事长彭文生,光大集团研究院副院长、光大证券首席经济学家 |
14:00-17:00 | 资本市场专场致 辞:戴小京,《财经》杂志社社长 康晓阳,天马投资董事长兼今日投资董事长 主题演讲(拟邀): 安青松,证券业协会党委书记、执行副会长? 蒋锋,上海证券交易所总经理? 王建军,深圳证券交易所总经理 |
外资如何看当前市场? 外资的进入对中国的资产管理行业有什么影响? 主持人: 殷莉,今日投资总经理对话嘉宾(拟邀):李一梅,华夏基金总经理长经 雷,嘉实基金总经理陈光明,睿远基金创始人王鸿斌,大摩华鑫总经理何昭,法巴资管中国区负责人黎涛,富敦投资中国区总经理 |
未来,影响市场的因素主要有哪些? A股走向将呈现什么特征? 发言嘉宾:黄燕铭,国泰君安研究所所长 圆桌对话(拟邀):陈果,安信证券首席策略师荀玉根,海通证券首席策略师张玉龙,中信建投首席策略师 乔永远,兴业研究首席策略师 李立峰,国金证券首席策略师 |
备注:标 “*” 为目前尚未确认的嘉宾。以上所列时间表、发言人均以本议程付印时所确认情况为依据。如有变动,请以会议当天公布为准。 |
Time | Conference-style |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00 | Opening Ceremony |
09:10-10:10 | Conversation: Alan GREENSPAN,Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ZHU Min,Dean, Tsinghua University National Financial Research Institute; Former Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
10:10-11:00 | Keynote Speeches (to be invited):
ZHOU Xiaochun,Vice Chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia; Vice Chairman, The 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Former Governor, People's Bank of ChinaHUANG Mengfu,Vice Chairman, 10th and 12th CPPCC National Committee; Former Chairman, All-China Federation of Industry and CommerceBAI Chunli,President, Chinese Academy of SciencesLeader,People's Bank of ChinaLeader,China Banking and Insurance Regulatory CommissionLeader,China Securities Regulatory Commission Management CommitteeJIN Liqun,Governor, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank |
11:00-12:30 | Plenary Session 1: Global Economy Under the Shadow of RecessionThe economies of major developed countries have slowed in the decade since the global financial crisis. Trade uncertainties have intensified, bruising business confidence. Market players are generally pessimistic about the economic outlook, and downward pressure is mounting on the global economy. The IMF has downgraded its global economic growth forecast to 3% for 2019, the lowest in a decade.
Will the global economy dip into recession for the first time in 10 years? Interest rates are already very low in developed countries. What other policies can be adopted to stabilize their economies? With the developed countries in “Japanization” mode, how will emerging economies maintain stability? Moderator:HE Gang,CAIJING Magazine, Chief Editor Panelists (to be invited): HUANG Yiping, Vice Dean, National School of Development, Peking UniversityCAO Yuanzheng,Chairman, BOCI Research LimitedZHOU Hao,Vice President, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua UniversityGAO Shanwen,Chief Economist, Essence SecuritiesRobin XING,Chief China Economist, Morgan StanleyAlfred SCHIPKE,Senior Resident Representative of China, International Monetary FundShaun ROACHE,Chief Economist, APAC at S&P Global Ratings |
12:30-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-14:30 | Plenary Session 2: 70 Years: Transformation and BreakthroughsTChina’s economic transformation is at a critical moment. Even as downward pressure on the economy intensifies, economic structural upgrading has begun to take shape. Confronted with an increasingly complicated and harsh environment, deeper and broader reform and opening-up measures are required to achieve economic transformation and upgrading.
What are some of the factors preventing high-quality growth? How should we maintain balance between steady growth, restructuring and risk prevention? How should policies which complement further opening-up be established to promote the genuine implementation of reform? Moderator:ZHANG Yandong,Managing Editor, CAIJING Magazine; President, CAIJING Think Tank Panelists (to be invited): LIU Shijin,Deputy Director, Economic Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Director, Monetary Policy Committee, People's Bank of ChinaGAO Peiyong,Vice President & Member, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)Levin Yunlai Zhu,Financial ExpertBAI Chong-En,Dean, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua UniversityREN Zeping,Chief Economist, Evergrande Group; Director, Evergrande Economic Research Institute |
14:30-16:00 | Plenary Session 3: New Opportunities Amid Accelerated Financial OpeningGiven the harsh external environment, there is a pressing need to deliver dividends from the financial system through further reform. China’s financial opening-up has gathered pace over the last year: improvements have continued to be made to the marketization of the RMB exchange rate, fostering unification of lending rates. In addition, a series of measures to further liberalize financial services was introduced. Meanwhile, China’s equity and debt markets have been included in major global indices. This has led to increasing demand in China’s financial market from foreign investors.
How can China further open up financial services to boost the real economy? China, as an asset class in global allocation, presents both opportunities and challenges in the process of opening-up. How can it construct a sound and efficient market competitive environment? How can it effectively prevent potential systematic risks? Moderator:YUAN Man,Deputy Managing Editor, CAIJING Magazine Panelists (to be invited): TU Guangzhao,Executive Director,Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance;Former Vice-Chairman and President, China Investment CorporationLI Yang,Chairman of National Institution for Finance and Development, and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social SciencesMA Weihua,Former Executive Director, President and CEO, China Merchants Bank; Chairman, the Board of Directors, China Global Philanthropy InstituteHONG Lei,President, Asset Management Association of ChinaGUAN Tao,Senior Fellow, China Finance 40 Forum; Former Director, International Balance of Payment Department, State Administration of Foreign Exchange |
16:45-18:15 | CAIJING Annual Dialogue: China-US Competition and BreakthroughChina-US relations have changed dramatically in the two years since President Trump took office. Indeed, the trade war is no longer the sole issue clouding bilateral ties. Both nations have arrived at the cusp of the most intense change since relations were established in the 1970s. The enormous change stems from both changes in the relative power of the two nations, and changes taking place within each nation. This has in turn led to a shift in the two nations’ perception of each other. There is unprecedented introspection within the two nations as to how they should get along.
Is China-US conflict inevitable? As conflict in bilateral relations becomes increasingly prominent, how should China and the US prevent the worst from happening? Can China and the US overcome these setbacks and find a way to coexist by seeking common ground despite their differences? Moderator:TBD, Thematic Speech: Terry BRANSTAD, U.S. Ambassador to China Dialogue: QIN Xiao,Member, Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council; Former Chairman, China Merchants Group and China Merchants BankLI Ruogu,Former Chairman & President, the Export-Import Bank of ChinaZHANG Baijia,Former Deputy Director, Party History Research Center, Chinese Communist PartyPaul HAENLE,Maurice R. Greenberg Director’s Chair, Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global PolicyJacob PARKER,Vice President, U.S.-China Business CouncilGreg GILLIGAN,Vice Chair, AmCham China |
16:45-18:15 | Summit Forum: Wealth Management From a Global PerspectiveThe global financial ecosystem has become increasingly diversified.
As the number of middle- and high-income people increases, investor awareness rises, and market demand expands, there is enormous growth potential for wealth management. As the world economy continues to fluctuate, the integration and globalization of asset allocation will be the new direction of wealth management. A global layout with an international market perspective has become the growth trend of wealth management institutions.
How should wealth management institutions continue to increase their global asset allocation planning and service capabilities? How can they grasp smart technology and efficiently enable wealth management? How can they steadily achieve a balance between risk control and wealth management? Moderator:Bob ROSE,Executive Editor, Barror’s Keynote Speech (to be invited): HONG Qi,Chairman, China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. Panelists (to be invited): Stephen CHANG,MPortfolio Manager, PIMCOLI Shan,President, BOCILI Shanquan,Senior Vice President & Portfolio Manager of Gold and Special Mineral Funds, Oppenheimer FundsYIN Zhe,MCo-Founder,Noah Wealth Management; Founding Partner and CEO, Gopher Asset Management |
19:30-21:00 | Nightcap Panels Nightcap Panel 1: Biomedicine – Seeking the Winning Formula Amid the Industry Reshuffle As China’s population continues to age, demand for medical services is being rapidly unleashed and the biomedical sector is expected to massively expand. However, in the context of controlling medical insurance costs, the industry is facing profit compression. There remains a huge R&D investment gap between Chinese pharmaceutical companies and their counterparts in developed countries. What can Chinese companies do to establish a presence in innovative drugs and other cutting-edge fields? What kind of reshuffle is the industry facing? What can companies do to overcome policy and demand challenges and emerge victorious? Panelists (to be invited): LI Ge,Chairman,WuXiAppTecLI Xiting,Chairman, Mindray MedicalCHEN Ban,Chairman, AIER Eye HospitalXU Xiaolin,Founder, Huagai CapitalWANG Wenhuai,Vice President, Xiamen C&DYANG Ling,General Manager, Starock |
Nightcap Panel 2: How Much Stamina is Left in the Food and Beverage Bull Run?
The food and beverage industry, which has been at the forefront of consumption upgrades, has been the big winner in the past two years in terms of earnings and share prices. However, the Matthew effect — "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" — has intensified polarization within the industry and between brands.
How much further can the food and beverage bull run go? What can market leaders do to consolidate their advantages against the backdrop of a structural recovery? What can companies in the middle and back of the pack do to break through? Panelists (to be invited): DAN Bin,Chairman, Shenzhen Dongfang Harbor Investment Management Co., Ltd.DONG Baozhen, Executive partner, PiJiTai FundCONG Xuenian,Vice President, Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd.WANG Hongbo,Deputy General Manager, LuzhouLaojiaoCo.,Ltd.WEI Yongbiao,General Manager, Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd.HU Liping,Vice President, Yili GroupZHANG Liwen,Vice President, HenanShuanghui Investment & Development Co.,Ltd. |
Nightcap Panel 3: A Developmental Perspective on the STAR Market
The STAR Market represents an incremental reform of the capital market. Since its opening on July 22, the primary and secondary markets have been running smoothly. Dozens of companies in the six emerging industries have completed registration-based IPOs, publicly offered funds have participated enthusiastically, and M&A, restructuring, listing, new refinancing regulations and other systems have been constantly improving. The STAR Market is advancing in the direction of market-oriented reform.
With the deepening of reforms and A-shares’ scientific and technological attributes, what can regulators do to further improve the rules? What can intermediaries do to improve their ability to serve science and technology enterprises? How should institutional investors seek out the next unicorn in the secondary market? Panelists (to be invited): Gerald YIN, Chairman, Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. ChinaYANG Chonghe,Chairman, Montage Technology Co., Ltd.ZHAO Yan,Chairman, Bloomage BiotechSUN Xin,Executive Vice President, Shanghai Kechuang FundMA Yao,Member, CITIC Securities Executive Committee; Director, Investment Bank Administrative CommitteeWANG Sheng, Assistant to President & Executive Director of Investment Banking Department, CICC |
Time | Conference-style |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-10:00 | Keynote Speech (to be invited): HAN Jun,Deputy Head, Office of Central Rural Work Leading Group;Vice Minister, Agriculture and Rural Affairs REN Hongbin,Vice Chairman, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council CAI Fang,Vice President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ZHANG Junkuo,Vice President, Development Research Center of the State Council HU Xiaolian,Chairwoman, Export-Import Bank of China CHEN Siqing,Chairman, ICBC |
10:00-11:20 | Plenary Session 4: Global Cooperative Competition in Technology and Proprietary InnovationA combination of competition and cooperation is today taking technological innovation to a new level. China has long regarded proprietary innovation as the fundamental path to national technological growth. The all-round layout and growth trends for fundamental research, cutting-edge technology and application development have now taken shape. However, the profound development of economic globalization has meant that no single country can meet innovation challenges alone.
How can China adhere to proprietary innovation and at the same time increase its integration into the global innovation network, so as to secure the commanding heights of technological innovation? How should the relationship between security and economic growth be balanced and ensured? How can China leverage technological innovation to better achieve a transition between old and new economic growth drivers and industrial structural transformation and upgrading? Thematic Speeches (to be invited): SHI Yigong,Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences; President, Westlake UniversityNI Guangnan,Academician, Chinese Academy of EngineeringWANG Feiyue,Director, The State Key Laboratories of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of ScienceAlain Benichou,President, Greater China Group at IBMTAO Xiao’ou,Founder and Chairman, SenseTimeCHEN Zongnian,Chairman, HIKVISION |
11:20-12:40 | Plenary Session 5: Responding to the Digital Currency BlitzFacebook’s proposed Libra crypto currency has triggered unprecedented exploration among global regulators, driving digital currency into its next stage. The possibility of competitive currencies as a replacement for the denationalized legal tender, previously imagined by economist Friedrich Hayek, has suddenly emerged. Indeed, as an increasing number of digital currencies have been conceived, supporters have proclaimed a digital revolution while dissenters have seen them as nothing more than a collection of financial scams. Whatever the case may be, digital currency has the potential to profoundly reshape the world economy and human society.
How should China respond to the rise of digital currency? How should government regulation keep up with digital currency innovation? Are international governance rules required? In what way will digital currencies impact the existing global currency system? Panelists (to be invited): MU Changchun,Director, Digital Currency Research Institute, People’s Bank of ChinaLI Lihui, Leader, Block Chain Research Working Group, National Internet Finance Association of China; Member, Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of 12th National People’s Congress (NPC); Former President, Bank of ChinaWANG Yongli,Former Vice President, Bank of China; Chief Economist, Neptunus GroupXIAO Feng,Vice Chairman, China Wanxiang Holding Co., Ltd.PENG Wensheng, Deputy Director, Everbright Group Research Institute; Global Chief Economist, Everbright Securities |
14:00-17:00 | Capital Market SpecialAddresses:DAI Xiaojing,President, CAIJING Magazine KANG Xiaoyang,Chairman, Tianma Investment; Chairman, Investoday Thematic Speeches: AN Qingsong,Party Secretary & Executive Vice President, Securities Association of China JIANG Feng,General Manager, Shanghai Stock Exchange WANG Jianjun,General Manager, Shenzhen Stock Exchange |
Theme Dialogue 1: Financial Opening-Up and the Changing Asset Management LandscapeAs important sources of funding for A-shares, the investment styles of foreign capital, public offerings and insurance investment profoundly affect market trends. With the further opening-up of the capital market, the leverage of foreign capital has gradually increased and has become an important allocation force for A-shares.
How does foreign capital see the current market? What impact will the greater entry of foreign capital have on China's asset management industry? Moderator: YIN Li,General Manager, InvestodayPanelists (to be invited): LI Yi Mei,General Manager, China Asset ManagementJING Lei,General Manager, Harvest FundCHEN Guangming,Founder, Foresight FundWANG Hongbin,General Manager, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund ManagementHE Zhao,Head of BNP Paribas ChinaLI Tao,General Manager, Fullerton Fund Management China |
Theme Dialogue 2: A-Share Investment OutlookThe Shanghai Composite Index has been sliding and undergoing corrections after exceeding 3,200 points in April. Affected by factors including Sino-US trade frictions and deleveraging, the long and short sides are engaging in a prolonged tug-of-war around the 3,000-point level.
What will be the main factors affecting the market going forward? What characteristics will the trend of A-share movements display? Thematic Speech: HUANG Yanming,Director, GuotaiJunan Institute Panelists (to be invited): CHEN Guo,Chief Strategist, Essence SecuritiesXUN Yugen,Chief Strategist, Haitong SecuritiesZHANG Yulong,Chief Strategist, China SecuritiesQIAO Yongyuan,Chief Strategist, CIB ResearchLI Lifeng,Chief Strategist, Sinolink Securities |
Note: The speakers marked with “*”are not confirmed yet. The above schedule and list of speakers are accurate at the time of printing and subject to change. The final version shall prevail on the day of event. |
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